BSNL Recruitment 2021: 28th of September, Zoom, 19:00

We are recruiting!

The BioScience Network Lausanne (BSNL) is a PhD student and Postdoc association from EPFL, UNIL and UNIGE, aiming to promote career development of young researchers in Life Sciences. We organize various events to explore career opportunities, acquire new skills, and develop a professional network. Ultimately, we aspire to bridge the gap between academia, industry, and society.

Our main events include:

If you are eager to organize exciting events, acquire new skills along the way, expand your network and work in a dynamic team, then we are looking exactly for you, and you are looking for us without even knowing it!

Join us in our next recruitment session on:

Tuesday, September 28, 2021 – 7pm, over Zoom

We are especially looking for event organizers for Famelab SwitzerlandFaces of industrial research and Biotech Chats. But everyone who has some great ideas and motivation is more than welcome!

Please confirm your participation by filling in this form:

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Your BSNL team


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