The “We Scientists 2035” workshop, developed by the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), uses speculative design scenarios to encourage novel thinking about what an idealised research culture would look like. Through discussions and a series of brainstorming activities, participants will be equipped to start with small positive changes in their research environments.
Research culture describes the values, norms and expectations of researchers and influences aspects such as research integrity, openness, inclusivity, academic career trajectories and the peer review system. It affects the environment, the people and ultimately, the quality of research that is performed.
The workshop is open to researchers of all career stages, as well as academic support staff (e.g. staff from careers offices and technicians).
The workshop will be followed by a Q&A session with Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry, Prof. Jacques Dubochet and Prof. Simone Schürle (ETH-Z), Assistant Professor, entrepreneur and Fellow of the Global Futures Council (World Economic Forum). They will share their thoughts on promoting a healthier, more inclusive research culture.
Registration is limited to 100 participants and is on a first come- first served basis. For registration and further information, see our website and the attached flyer.
If you require further information, please contact Tania Jenkins (tania.jenkins@scnat.ch).
Date and Location: 07.02.19 13h30-19h00, Amphimax 351
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