The Bioscience Network Lausanne (BSNL) and the regional section group of the International Society of Computational Biology (ISCB RSG Switzerland) are glad to announce the round table about:

Indeed, new practices and technologies such as digital medical records and high-throughput sequencing open new ways for medical doctors and scientists to investigate human biology and diseases. However, this new model raises many fundamental questions. We would like to discuss them in our round table to make clear what are the opportunities that exist now and how can the medical data be handled in a way that the rights of patients are preserved.
During the round table we will go through the following questions:
– What can personalized medicine offer?
– What ethics problematic are at stake with personal medical data and how can the law protect patients?
– What is the current state of the infrastructure for these data and the existing tools for researchers?
– How to manage these data and ensure confidentiality, but to allow access to researchers?
– How much investment is needed today to support this data tsunami?
– What is the need in medical data literacy for its potential users?
– How many trained people do we need in the area?
– Can citizens take part in this revolution by doing citizen science/biohacking/DIYbio?
We are honored to discuss these topics with four important actors in the field that confirmed their participation:
– Jacques Beckmann (Head of Clinical Bioinformatics, SIB)
– Christine Currat (Executive director of the Swiss biobanking platform)
– Manolis Dermitzakis (Professor of Genetics at the Department of Genetic Medicine, UNIGE)
– Jeanne-Pascale Simon (Lawyer at the Unit of Legal Affairs, CHUV)
Come and join us in the discussion next Thursday, 5th November at 19:00, at UniverCité (Chemin du Closel 5, Renens)
Looking forward to meeting you there,
Leonor Rib & Jonathan Sobel
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